Everything DiSC

We are accredited to use the Everything DiSC behavioural profile to help individuals and teams achieve better business results through improved:

  • • understanding and empathy
  • • communication and collaboration
  • • productivity and performance

This highly effective and in-depth on-line assessment describes four basic behavioural styles

  • Dominant: Direct, decisive, and results-oriented.
  • influential: Outgoing, optimistic, and people-oriented.
  • Steady: Supportive, cooperative, and harmony-oriented.
  • Conscientious: Analytical, precise, and quality-oriented.


Why use DiSC?

Based on 40 years of research, DiSC brings a level of self-awareness for individuals that can support personal and career development. When used across teams and organisations, DiSC profiling and training delivers improvements in team working, management capability, leadership effectiveness and creates a culture of collaboration.

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