
Belbin Team Roles isn't just a theory, it's a practical tool to help individuals, teams and organisations work more effectively to achieve business objectives.

Created by Dr Meredith Belbin following his research at Henley Business Schooi, it defines a 'Team Role' as one of nine clusters of effective behavioural attributes that facilitate team progress.

Meredith Belbin's research showed that the most successful teams were made up of a diverse mix of behaviours. To build high-performing teams, we need to represent each of the nine Belbin Team Role behaviours at the appropriate times.

What are the nine Belbin Team Roles?

The Social Roles

Resource Investigator

The Thinking Roles

Monitor Evaluator

The Action Roles

Completer Finisher

How do I find out my Belbin Team Role strengths and weaknesses?

We work with leadership and management teams to help plan and assess their most effective team roles. We begin with you completing the official Belbin® Self-Perception Inventory online, and receiving a Belbin® Individual report. We then recommend that you ask for feedback from people you work with, using the Observer Assessment. This gives you an updated Belbin Individual report which gives you an insight into which Team Role behaviours others see and value.

Once you have your Belbin Individual reports, we facilitate conversations and exercises in our workshops to enable change and progress.

Contact us if you’re interested in discussing how Belbin® can help you and your team.

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